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Guide for Daily Life

10 人や国の不平等をなくそう
ページID:0002413 更新日:2024年4月15日更新 印刷ページ表示

1 Resident Registrations, Notifications, etc.

  1. Resident Registration (address, household members, etc.)[PDFファイル/204KB]
  2. Report of a Birth or Death[PDFファイル/201KB]
  3. Registering Personal Seal "Inkan”[PDFファイル/175KB]

2 Insurance, Pensions and Social Welfare

  1. National Health Insurance [PDFファイル/199KB]
  2. Childbirth Lump-sum Allowance Application (For Children Born Abroad)[PDFファイル/168KB]
  3. Ota National Health Insurance Guide [PDFファイル/420KB]
  4. Enrollment/Withdrawal of National Health Insurance "Kokumin Kenko Hoken" [PDFファイル/301KB]
  5. National Pension System "Kokumin Nenkin" [PDFファイル/173KB]
  6. Medical Welfare "Fukushi Iryou" [PDFファイル/172KB]
  7. Nursing Care Insurance "Kaigo Hoken"[PDFファイル/172KB]
  8. Medical Insurance for Older Senior Citizens "Koki Koureisha Iryo Hoken" [PDFファイル/172KB]
  9. Disability Handbooks "Shougaisha Techou"[PDFファイル/161KB]

3 Municipal Taxes

  1. Municipal Inhabitant Tax "Shimin-Zei" [PDFファイル/201KB]
  2. National Health Insurance Tax "Kokumin Kenko Hoken-Zei" [PDFファイル/134KB]
  3. Light Motor Vehicle Tax "Keijidosha-Zei" [PDFファイル/301KB]
  4. Income Certificate "Shotoku Shomeisho" and Other Certificates for Tax Purposes [PDFファイル/181KB]
  5. Tax Payment [PDFファイル/184KB]
  6. Issuance of Various Certificates [PDFファイル/228KB]
  7. Municipal Tax Payment Methods [PDFファイル/212KB]
  8. Certificate of Full Payment of all Municipal Taxes, etc.[PDFファイル/180KB]
  9. Consultation on Municipal Tax Payments [PDFファイル/189KB]
  10. Coercive Collection for Nonpayment of Taxes[PDFファイル/248KB]
  11. If you do not pay your Municipal Inhabitant Tax,[PDFファイル/183KB]
  12. Tax on Newly Build and Enlarged Building-Structures [PDFファイル/369KB]

4 Childcare Procedures

  1. Childcare Allowance "Jidou Teate" [PDFファイル/188KB]
  2. Child-Rearing Allowance "Jidou Fuyo Teate" [PDFファイル/361KB]
  3. Procedure Requirements for Nursery School "Hoikuen" Enrollment [PDFファイル/177KB]
  4. Guide for Parents Leaving Children for the First Time
  5. List and Map of Childcare Facilities [PDFファイル/5.41MB]
  6. Applying for Child-Support Program for Families Raising the 3 or more Children[PDFファイル/186KB]
  7. Subsidized School Lunch Program for Kindergartens, Nurseries and Early Childhood Education and Care Center [PDFファイル/198KB]

5 Education and Learning

  1. Procedures for Enrolling in Ota Elementary and Junior High School[PDFファイル/144KB]
  2. School Aid System[PDFファイル/194KB]
  3. Free School Lunch "Kyuushoku" and Subsidy System [PDFファイル/645KB]
  4. Preparatory Class "Himawari Kyoushitsu" [PDFファイル/240KB]
  5. After-School Children's "Houkago Jidou" Club[PDFファイル/241KB]
  6. Children Plaz "Kodomo Platz" [PDFファイル/168KB]
  7. Ota Programming School "Ota Programming Gakkou" [PDFファイル/163KB]
  8. Ota Sports School "Ota Sports Gakkou"! [PDFファイル/202KB]
  9. Ota-Shi Scholarship Funds[PDFファイル/195KB]​

6 Health and Wellness Preservation

  1. Mother and Child Health Record Book "Boshi Kenko Techou" [PDFファイル/164KB]
  2. Available Seminars during Pregnancy [PDFファイル/198KB]
  3. Health Consultations for Mother during / after Pregnancy [PDFファイル/162KB]
  4. Breastfeeding Consultation [PDFファイル/190KB]
  5. Subsidies for Treatment for Recurrent Pregnancy Losses [PDFファイル/154KB]
  6. Subsidy for Wigs and Breast Prostheses [PDFファイル/162KB]
  7. Health Examination for Infants and Small Children [PDFファイル/208KB]
  8. Childcare Consultation and "Hapimogu (Dental)" Class for Infants 7 Months Old [PDFファイル/194KB]
  9. Preventive Vaccinations [PDFファイル/174KB]
  10. Health Consultations [PDFファイル/160KB]
  11. Health Examination for Adults [PDFファイル/193KB]
  12. Doctors on Duty on Sundays and Holidays [PDFファイル/181KB]
  13. Weeknight Emergency Infirmary [PDFファイル/133KB]
  14. Dental Clinic on Duty on Sundays and Holidays [PDFファイル/138KB]

7 Residential and Daily Life Matters

  1. Regional Groups, Neighborhood Coucils "Jichikai / Chounaikai"[PDFファイル/272KB]
  2. Starting and Discontinuing of Water Service[PDFファイル/174KB]
  3. Water Charges [PDFファイル/186KB]
  4. Sewage Charges[PDFファイル/254KB]
  5. How to Separate and Dispose of Household Trash Properly (Burnable Trash, Non-Burnable Trash, Oversized Trash, Recyclable Trash, Hazardous Trash)[PDFファイル/7.27MB]
  6. How to Separate and Dispose of Household Trash Properly (Recyclable Used Paper Products, Trimmed Branches, Trash not accepted by the City, etc.)[PDFファイル/14.55MB]
  7. Household Trash Collection Schedule (Ota Region)[PDFファイル/722KB]
  8. Household Trash Collection Schedule (Ojima A Area)[PDFファイル/823KB]
  9. Household Trash Collection Schedule (Ojima B Area)[PDFファイル/848KB]
  10. Household Trash Collection Schedule (Nitta North Area)[PDFファイル/726KB]
  11. Household Trash Collection Schedule (Nitta South Area)[PDFファイル/754KB]
  12. Household Trash Collection Schedule (Yabuzukahonmachi Area)[PDFファイル/708KB]
  13. List of Fees for Oversized Trash (Ota Area)[PDFファイル/912KB]
  14. List of Fees for Oversized Trash (Ojima, Nitta, Yabuzukahonmachi Area)[PDFファイル/852KB]
  15. Registration of Dogs and Vaccinations Shots for Rabies[PDFファイル/201KB]
  16. Eligibility for Moving into Municipal Housing "Shiei Juutaku" [PDFファイル/239KB]
  17. Guide for Moving into Municipal Housing [PDFファイル/925KB] 
  18. OTACO Ota City Digital Cash Voucher / E-Money [PDFファイル/409KB]
  19. Coming-to-Age Ceremony People Turning 20 in Ota City [PDFファイル/198KB]
  20. Statistical Surveys [PDFファイル/161KB]
  21. (To Business Owners) Requests when displaying outdoor signs [PDFファイル/252KB]
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