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How to Become a Member

10 人や国の不平等をなくそう
ページID:0029072 更新日:2024年5月9日更新 印刷ページ表示

How to Become a Member

The Ota International Association is looking for new members (individuals and corporations) who agree with the purpose of the association and who have an interest in international cultural exchange.

  • Annual Membership Fee (for the period from April 1st to March 31st of the following year)

            Individual Membership: 1,000-yen
            Corporate Membership: 5,000-yen per portion

  • How to Join
    Please fill out the application form relevant for you and send it by e-mail, mail or bring it to the office directly.

           Individual Membership [PDFファイル/140KB]
           Corporate Membership [PDFファイル/136KB]

  • Contact

           Ota International Association Office (Ota City Hall 11F / Counter 112)
           〒373-8718 Ota-Shi Hama-Cho 2-35
            TEL0276-48-1001 FAX 0276-48-1012

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