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国際交流ボランティア エコー 石原 千春さんからの投書

10 人や国の不平等をなくそう
ページID:0004331 更新日:2022年12月6日更新 印刷ページ表示

World Press Photo 2003

Several months ago, I visited the Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photographyat Ebisu Garden Place, to see the exhibition “World Press Photo2003”. The photosfrom all over the worldcoveredawide-range ofthemes. Throughthese photos, I could see a lot of things that Icould neversee in everyday life, and received a variety of messages fromthephotographers.

 One of the photos was a black-and-white portrait of a young black woman in Africa. In the photo shewassitting on a floorlooking up. At firstglance, I thought she was beautiful. However, when I gave it another look, Irealized that the photographerwasn’t intending toshow off her beauty. When Iexamined itmorecarefully, I found some parts of her bodyhad been burned.Thecaption said that during the civil war, soldiers violated women and pouredchemicals onthem. That was why some parts of her skin looked burnt.After seeing this photo, I gotthe messagethat the photographer wasclearly against the war and violence against women.

Another photo that interested me wasofa freeway surrounded by skyscrapers in Shanghai. The buildings,lit up by a lot of lights, were glittering.Looking at the photo, Ifelt as if the image was fromadistant future orcame from a city in a sciencefiction novel. I knew Shanghai was developing, but I didn’t knowthe development had reached that far.By seeing this photo, I couldunderstand how rapidly Shanghai was growing.

In addition to these two photos, there were a lot of other interesting ones.Some werevery thought-provoking, and others were very informative.This exhibition made mewant to visit many countries and to see a lot of things withmy own eyes.

By Chiharu Ishihara