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Ota International Association

10 人や国の不平等をなくそう
ページID:0002428 更新日:2025年1月10日更新 印刷ページ表示







Ota City

Outline of the City

Sight-seeing Guide

Hometown Tales


Ota Informa

Municipal Services

Consultation Counter 

Guide for Daily Life

Main Administrative Services (e.g. issuing copy of resident registration) are available at Service Centers on Weekends and public holidays

Community Centers (Gyousei Center) within Ota City

List of Application Forms

Useful Information on Disasters

Please check information about shelters in the city (available shelters, congestion at shelters) before you evacuate. <外部リンク>

Please check available evacuation shelters for flooding in the city. (Japanese only)

Please check your area on the Ota City Disaster Prevention Map “Ota-Shi Bousai Map.”(English, Japanese and Portuguese)

For Printing: Household Evacuation Sheet “Setaibetsu Hinansha Card”  (one per household) 

Disaster Prevention Mannual for Ota City Residents

Helpful Apps and Websites Providing Multilingual Information for Disasters


Association Outline

How to Become a Member

Ota City

Outline of the City

Sight-seeing Guide

Hometown Tales

Japanese Language Courses

Ota Nihongo Kyoushitsu Ayumi no Kai

Ota City Hall surrounding areas map

Ota City Hall surrounding areas route map

Wide area map surrounding Ota City Hall


Multilingual Living Information<外部リンク>

Gunma Prefectural Police<外部リンク>

Ministry of Health,Labor and Welfare<外部リンク>


Ota International Association (Ota City Hall 11F / Counter 112)
〒373-8718 Gunma-Ken Ota-Shi Hama-Cho 2-35, Japan
TEL: 0276-48-1001
(Weekdays; 8:30-12:00/13:00-17:00, Closed on public holidays including year-end and new year holidays)
FAX: 0276-48-1012
Email: otaia@mx.city.ota.gunma.jp

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